Understanding the Bible 35: The Community of Radical Inclusion

It is one thing to be declared “family,” and quite another to live out the relationships implied – particularly when new siblings come from communities deeply divided with one another.  And yet this is the first work of the church.  Those who have been called to bear witness to love’s triumph, to carry on Jesus’s ministry of reconciliation, must first be reconciled to one another.  This means that old categories of “us” and “them” must be shattered, categories that indeed no longer exist because of the deeper unity found in Christ.  

In this episode we look at the call to radical inclusion that the gospel places upon the church, recognizing it is a call we have yet to completely fulfill…



This is a sermon that was originally presented at Canvas (a Presbyterian church in Irvine, CA), May 18th, 2014. To learn more about Canvas, click here!


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