Turning Theology into Church 05: Gratitude

What sort of community should grow out of the biblical story?  A grateful one. 

In this episode we explore the concept of hesed – the Hebrew word usually translated as “steadfast love.”  It is used throughout the Bible to describe the fundamental nature of God and is meant to explain why God is so committed to the work of salvation.

Why does God forgive?  Because God loves?  Why does God heal?  Because God loves.  Why does God bless?  You get the idea…

In particular we will look at Psalm 136 as the poet pours forth reasons for thanksgiving by recounting God’s great acts of deliverance in Israel’s history. It is a moving work and one that reminds the reader that the proper response to grace is gratitude.  No wonder, then, that centuries later Paul would regard thanksgiving as an essential mark of a healthy church (look again at Col. 3:12-17 – our text from last week).

If you are asking how to choose a church, be sure that gratitude is part of your answer!


This is a sermon that was originally presented at Canvas (a Presbyterian church in Irvine, CA), November 16, 2014. To learn more about Canvas, click here!

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