Loving God 301, Part 12: Pleading for Help – Psalm 86

What do we do when all seems lost? What action remains when our energy has been exhausted, our resources drained and the danger comes from elements far beyond our control?

What remains is to pray. To come before the source of all power and goodness and ask for help. Indeed the first demonstration of goodness is already present for us in the gift of Psalm 86.  For when we are overwhelmed with troubles and fears, words are hard to find.  And we wonder if anyone has ever been quite where we are.

What comfort, then, to find at – literally – the very center of the biblical story, the cry of faith:

Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.

Preserve my life, for I am devoted to you;
save your servant who trusts in you.

You are my God;
be gracious to me…!

Here is the prayer of plea, the prayer that remains when even hope itself seems lost.

It has been an light in the darkness for many a saint and is there for you as well.


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