Loving God 401, Part 9: Spiritual Direction

A personal trainer for the soul?

Every great athlete has a coach, every great artist a teacher, and every great saint a mentor, “confessor” or spiritual director. And while most of us are not striving for formal “sainthood,” we can all benefit from some formal spiritual direction.

In this episode we explore the a bit of the history of spiritual direction, the role of a spiritual director and the nature of the relationship between a spiritual director and directee, as well as some insights into how to identify a trustworthy spiritual director.

In addition, I take a little time in the intro to talk more about engaging constructively in the current political turmoil. There is no doubt that some fundamental values are being challenged (e.g., care for refugees, respect for women, a free press…) and there is need for those values to be defended.  But the manner of our engagement is as critical as the content of our message. I’ve been talking with some experts as well as reflecting on how to make my own voice heard and I offer some suggestions. 

Many such methods involve social media (the printing press of our era) and I’d be grateful to have you join in the conversation. 

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