We Were Expecting Someone More…Messiah-y – Luke, Part 17

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For 2,000 years Jesus has been confounding messianic expectations – never quite looking the part of “savior.”

I mean, shouldn’t a divinely-appointed deliverer be easily recognizable? A little radiant glory, perhaps? Or at the very least the trappings of earthly power!

And what about some judgment and wrath? It’s a sinful world after all, and isn’t it part of God’s job to be punishing evil? 

At the very least, we should see him at the standard holy sites, doing the standard holy things…praying the right prayers, and leading the psalm singing.  Right?

In this episode we look at the question that begs asking, a question posed by John the Baptist (the one sent by God to prepare Jesus’s way):  “Are you the Messiah,…or should we be looking for another?”

If love is the means by which God’s redemption is accomplished, what would it look like when it met a fallen world?

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