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Interrupting your regularly scheduled sermon from Luke with a sermon for Advent…
Advent is the season of preparation for Jesus’s coming, a time to remember his birth in Bethlehem, yes, but primarily a time to remember that Jesus is coming again. In short, it is a time to get in touch with our need for a savior.
In this episode we join the story of Israel in the days after the settling in Canaan, and the slow turn away from YHWH to the Canaanite gods of Baal and Astarte. It’s a painful reminder of our human impulse to worship our prosperity.
The sermon text is Judges 2:6-23 (NRSV)
Here are links to the images I mention in the sermon:
- Idol of Baal (Louvre)
- Idol of Astarte (Louvre)
- Example of Canaanite idols found in ancient Judah (southern Israel)
- Other Canaanite idols found in ancient Jewish homes (Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition).
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