unORTHODOX, Part 07: Earning Grace? (Semi-Pelagianism)

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What must I do to be saved (by Jesus)? Is there a prayer that must be said? A doctrine that must be affirmed? A morality that must be adopted? Good deeds that must be done?

The classical Protestant answer is: Grace alone! (…Which is generally followed by a prayer that must be said, doctrines believed, sins avoided and charity done.)

It is all part of the church’s historic struggle with Semi-Pelagianism – the belief that we are saved by grace….mostly, with just a little extra effort required.


The (unusually high number of) texts used in this sermon are: John 12:44-47, Matt. 7:21-27, Rom. 4:1-5, James 2:18-24 and Acts 16:25-34 (NRSV).
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