Paul’s teaching on the role of wives and slaves in the Christian household are among the most (tragically!) misinterpreted passages in scripture. In this episode we examine the tension between ideals and reality, between what is ultimately true and how close (or not) we can approximate it at any particular moment in time. As...
Tag: christianity
Understanding the Bible 39: Was Jesus Divine? – The Development of Trinitarian Theology
If confessing the full divinity of Jesus, or God who is simultaneously three Persons in one, strikes you as quite an intellectual stretch, know that you are in excellent company! After all, it is one thing to regard Jesus as a great religious teacher, a political leader or perhaps even some sort of (human) messianic figure....
Understanding the Bible 37: On Spiritual Gifts and the Demystifying Thereof…
What does the mean by spiritual gifts? Are we to believe that Jesus bestows super powers upon his followers – healing people by laying on hands, speaking in tongues, foretelling the future…??? Are spiritual gifts signs of true faith (those who really believe can be distinguished from those who do not by their display of gifts)? Are they...