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Understanding the Bible 48: The Two Witnesses – The Church’s Role in the Salvation of the World

The driving question of the book of Revelation is:  Why the delay?  What purposed is served by leaving time between Jesus’s resurrection and the consummation of the kingdom of God on earth?  To an oppressed church – facing what seems to be imminent persecution and martyrdom – it appears that there is little to be gained and...

Open post

Understanding the Bible 46: A Vision of the King, the Lamb, and the Plan of Salvation

Interpreting the book of Revelation requires we first understand the genre of “apocalypse” (from Gk. apocalypsis: “to reveal” – as in a secret, or in pulling back the curtain on a stage).  Though it feels quite foreign to us, it was a well-known form of literature in the ancient world, particularly within 2nd Temple Judaism.  The...

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