Why did Jesus provoke such rage in his religious contemporaries? And why do we still often bristle ourselves at his words? While we imagine that one who brings God’s word of salvation would be warmly welcomed – at least by us! Yet history and the human condition reveal that we often “can’t handle the truth”...
Tag: prepare the way of the lord
God, Self & Other – Luke 07: The Temptation to Other Loves (Jesus in the Wilderness)
Growth in love requires us to step into the unknown, to take the path of risk and dependence upon God. In this episode we look at Jesus’s 40-day journey into the wilderness. It is there he faces the temptation to other, easier “loves” (what are – in reality – false loves). And it is there...
God, Self & Other – Luke 06: Love, Repentance and John the Baptist
An enigmatic figure in his day and in ours! In this episode we examine the ministry of John the Baptist – a prophet in the style of Elijah who came preaching both warning and welcome as preparation for the coming of Jesus. In particular, we’ll interpret John in light of his contemporaries and how his...