Healthy progress in any aspect of our lives requires that we pause from time to time and take an honest examination of our present state. But in a culture of constant comparison and competition, such exercises often only serve to dispirit and magnify our sense of dissatisfaction with ourselves. In this episode we examine the...
Tag: what is the goal of the spiritual life
Loving God 101, Part 04: Creating Sacred Time
Spending time with God is important and critical for any follower of Jesus. However, sometimes knowing what “spending time with God” looks like in a practical sense can be difficult to discern. Practices like “quiet times” and “solo times” are helpful for some followers of Jesus, but what about those who don’t connect with God...
Loving God 101, Part 03: Discernment (Learning to Hear God’s Voice)
One of the great struggles in the life of faith is the sense that God is vastly distant. We may talk about “intimacy” and “relationship” and “making contact.” But in day-to-day experience, it feels like we do a good bit of talking to God, and God rarely talks back. Yes, we have been given the...