What sort of community should grow out of the biblical story? A grateful one. In this episode we explore the concept of hesed – the Hebrew word usually translated as “steadfast love.” It is used throughout the Bible to describe the fundamental nature of God and is meant to explain why God is so committed to the work of...
Tag: identity
Turning Theology into Church 04: Ordaining Everyone
For centuries, “Kingdom work” was synonymous with the stuff pastors do – preaching, sacraments, general church-running… This was the “eternal” work done for God, and the province of a small minority of God’s people who were “ordained” to the role. “Secular” work was what one did for money, not an equally important embodiment of Jesus’s ministry of...
Turning Theology into Church 03: Embracing Conflict
Conflict is the last thing anyone wants from their “church experience.” After all, we go to church to feel better, to get a little uplift to face the week, right? It’s the one place where we don’t have to deal with the typical human foibles of self-interest, pettiness, passive-aggression…right? I mean, sure, we may have...