Advent 2014, Part 2: The Gift of Intimacy with God

Does God know I exist? Does he know the circumstances of my life? Does he hear me when I pray?  Does he care???

Such questions go back to the dawn of time and for most of human history, the answer has been: no.  The gods may exist, but their concern for humans was minimal! Mostly the deities dwelled in a realm far removed from daily life (think Mt. Olympus), and if they paid any attention to humans at all, it was primary to receive honor and/or sacrifice.  Zeus had no interest in making human friends, only in preserving power and receiving the glory that was his due.

How different is the God of Abraham!  As we have seen (Understanding the Bible series), the entire biblical story is one of God’s love for humanity and the desire for intimate, individual connection.  

In this episode, Ian Farrell examines the intimacy God seeks with us and how we can deepen it. Intimacy with God is both a gift we receive and a truth we are called to proclaim in word and deed. 


This is a sermon that was originally presented at Canvas (a Presbyterian church in Irvine, CA), December 7, 2014. To learn more about Canvas, click here!

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